Eyes on the WatchTower
Choreographed collaboratively by Meghan Allen, Bryan and Shaina Baira, Annie Dingwall, Elijah Lennington, Jessica Rajko, and Mary Renko
Eyes on the WatchTower explores the nuances of digital surveillance and community tracking in an evening-length performance. Through the use of multimedia design and movement, the company plays directly with techno-human relationships, asking: What are you looking for? Who are you looking at? Where are you looking? Who is controlling the narrative? The show is inspired by the WDET podcast Tracked and Traced, which examines the real world impact of surveillance technology on individual daily life, Detroit communities, and society at-large. Eyes on the WatchTower moves through the pernicious effects of surveillance technologies and playfully investigates the promiscuity of digital and physical bodies. Performers take audiences down the techno-mediated rabbit hole and into the world of digital surveillance, but it also examines if, how, and with whom we might imagine modes of tracking that make us feel safe.