
This piece is an examination of the female psyche and explores the idea and construct of femininity. It looks at each dancers lived experience and connection to their identity as a women. "Reverie" is a work that examines the importance of female communities and relationships as well as individuality. This piece is dedicated to the women who have made us into who we are as well as all the women we have been in our lives.

Meghan Allen, Aria Brown, Madison Collier, Stormy Davis, Cadence Ference, Noor Kaffarani, Kate McAllister, Mary Renko, Catey Selemba, Kara Smith, Olivia Woebke

Meghan Allen, Aria Brown, Madison Collier, Stormy Davis, Cadence Ference, Noor Kaffarani, Kate McAllister, Mary Renko, Catey Selemba, Kara Smith, Olivia Woebke

Choreographed by Annie Dingwall in collaboration with the cast

Choreographed by Annie Dingwall in collaboration with the cast

Music: "#3" by Apex Twins and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper

Music: "#3" by Apex Twins and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper